Python for S60 2.0 and Scribble 0.2 Update Available via App. Update in Nokia 5800

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Python for S60 2.0 and Scribble 0.2 update is available for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic via App. Update. You can download and install them from App. Update.

Python for S60: Python is a modern, dynamically typed, object-oriented, interpreted language, with a strong emphasis on code readibility. Python for S60 is Nokia's port of Python language to the S60 smartphone platform which brings in easy access to functionality of the phone, with significantly smaller amount of code and shorter development time.

Scribble 0.2: Scribble is a simple Python S60 paint application with basic features like Erase, Set Line Width, Save and fouteeen colour to choose from.

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