Download Game Dots & Boxes for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and N97

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Here is another Java game Dots & Boxes for Symbian S60 5th edition mobiles e.g. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, 5530 XpressMusic and upcoming N97 Mini.

Dots & Boxes
Dots & Boxes v1.0.3 is developed by Exozet Games. Dots and Boxes (also known as Boxes, Squares, Paddocks, Square-it, Dots and Dashes, Dots, Smart Dots, or, simply, the Dot Game) is a pencil and paper game normally for two players. This version of Dots & Boxes game allows 2 to 4 players. Your opponents can either be human players using your phone( by turns ), Players connecting to your phone via bluetooth.

Dots & Boxes
The game starts with an empty grid of dots, players take turns, adding a single horizontal or vertical line between two unjoined adjacent dots. A player who completes the fourth side of a box earns one point and takes another turn. (The points are typically recorded by placing in the box an identifying mark of the player, such as an initial). The game ends when no more lines can be placed. The winner of the game is the player with the most points. The game is well designed and works like a charm. The game supports multiple languages as well.

Game Dots & Boxes for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and N97( 339 KB )
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