Download Application nBanner 1.0 for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and N97

Friday, September 4, 2009
nBanner v1.0 is a Java ticker application that displays your input text in some style configured by you. nBanner is a small application where you enter a text and choose Font Color, Background Color and Animation Type.

nBanner 1.0
You have choice to select from the Red, Blue, Yellow and Green color. You can either choose background color as White or Black. Possible animation types are Scroll and Blink. Upon settings, when you press Ok button. It renders the input text on the screen according to the animation type you selected.

I am still not able to understand the use of this application. Is it just some text animation to watch on your mobile? Anyway, it's here and you guys can download and see if you found it useful for you. For me, it's No No.

You can download this freeware application from the following link.

Application nBanner 1.0 for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and N97( 8 KB )
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