How to Assign Ringtone to a Contact in Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Here is a small image based post to explain the way of assigning ringtone to any contact in your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. I have seen in Google, people asking this question that how to assign a ringtone to a contact. This post will help them or any new Nokia 5800 XpressMusic owner to understand the way to do that.

Here I am explaining two ways to assign ringtone to a contact.

First using Music Library

Step 1: Go to Music Library-->All Songs either through Menu or from the HomeScreen as shown in the following images.

Home Screen Nokia 5800Music Nokia 5800

Step 2: Select any song and click on Options-->Use tone-->Assign to contact. See the following image for help.

RingTone Nokia 5800
Step 3: Select the contact you want to assign this ringtone and press Ok. It will display a message that "Details Added". If ringtone is already added for the selected contact. It will prompt to replace the exisiting tone as shown in the following images.

Contact Nokia 5800Contact Nokia 5800

This was one of the way of assigning a ringtone to a contact. Continue for second way.

Second using Contacts

Step 1: Go to Menu-->Contacts as shown in the following image.

Contacts Nokia 5800
Step 2: Click on Options-->Open and a screen will appear as shown in the following image. If ringtone is already assigned to this contact. It will be shown there else not.

Ring NOkia 5800Ring NOkia 5800

Step 3: Now click on Options-->Ringing Tone. A 'Select tone:' screen will appear to select a perticular tone for that contact. Select the tone and it will appear in that contact. See the following images for help.

Select Tone Nokia 5800RingTone Nokia 5800

Hope after reading this post, you are able to assign a ringtone to any of your contact.

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