How to Uninstall or Remove an Application from Nokia 5800

Monday, May 11, 2009
In this post, I will explain the steps to remove/uninstall an application from your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.

Step 1: Go to "Settings" and click on "Application Mgr." as shown in following image.

Settings Nokia 5800
Step 2: Click on "Installed Apps" as shown in following image.

Installed App NOkia 5800
Step 3: Select the application you want to remove/uninstall as shown in following image.

Uninstall Nokia 5800
Step 4: Click on "options" and select "uninstall" as shown in following image.

Uninstall Nokia 5800
Step 5: Upon clicking "uninstall", it will ask for your confirmation as shown in following image.

Remove Nokia 5800
Step 6: Just select "Yes" and application will be removed from your mobile.

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