How to Configure Yahoo! Messenger in Nokia 5800 in-built IM application

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic device comes with an in-built IM application. In this post, i will explain the steps to configure this application to work with Yahoo! Messenger.

Step 1: Go to IM application and follow the instructions given in the following images.


Step 2: Click on servers and define a new server as shown in the following images. Write in Server Name as well as in Web Address.


Step 3: Define Access Point. Select from available access points as shown in following images.

Step 4: Fill your Yahoo! username and password as shown in the following image.

Yahoo IMYahoo IMYahoo IM

Now you are ready with Yahoo! Messenger on your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. You will see all your friends and you can send messages to them.

Friend List
Limitations and Problems:
  • Only up to 30 friends are displayed. Can't add more than 30 contacts.
  • I was not able to send message from my PC messanger to mobile IM client. But i was able to receive messages from mobile IM client. I feel it's one way from mobile to PC, not the other way.

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