Download Theme Grey Android by Yans for Nokia 5800, X6, N97 and 5530

Friday, March 25, 2011
If you want to experience the graphics of Android based mobiles on your Symbian S605th mobiles then here is something really great for you. There is a theme called Grey Android by Yans for Symbian S60v5 based touch screen mobile phones.

The theme offers fantastic colors and best background graphics. One of the nicely designed theme available for Symbian mobiles. This theme comes with custom icons and these icons are the real beauty of this theme. These icons make this theme looks so different than most other themes available.

I can feel after installing this theme on my mobile that the developer of this theme has put sincere efforts making this theme a great one. I am sure after trying this theme on your mobiles, you would not switch to any other theme very soon. This theme works with Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, X6, N97, N97 Mini, 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235 and 5530 XpressMusic. Enjoy this cool theme on your mobiles and keep visiting this blog for more such themes.

Theme Grey Android by Yans for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and N97 (2.7 MB)
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